Protect your business

Multi-layered Cyber protection
Multi-layered Cyber protection shell for your
organization or business
The service is intended for:

Attorney and CPA offices

Doctors and clinics

small companies​


About Cyber4All
In this technological era that we live in, computerized systems have become the core of organizations, businesses, and institutions. In the last few years, we have witnessed a steady increase in successful cyber-attacks.
The writing on the wall is very clear: organizations, businesses, and institutions, either large or small, must invest in protecting and securing their IT infrastructures to make such attacks so much harder, thus tilting the balance in their favor.
Cyber4all was established to offer small companies, organizations, and service providers handling their cyber affairs an accessible, convenient, and professional response for addressing the rising tide of cyber-era security issues. The unique combination of cyber specialists who are elite military veterans provides Cyber4all customers with one of the world’s best holistic protective umbrellas in the cyber market.
Our services
e-mail accounts Protection

The organizational e-mail cyber protection component offers 24/7 monitoring, on-going control and reaction for the purpose of preventing e-mail originated cyber attacks (phishing, etc.)

End nodes protection

The end nodes and server cyber protection component offers 24/7 monitoring, on-going control and reaction for the purpose of preventing ransom events and data theft or malicious corruption.

Mobile Phones protection

The smart phone cyber protection component offers comprehensive protection from threats and hacking, encodes voice and text messages as well as prevents wiretapping.

Our packages

*Package price refers to one computer / mobile station only

Basic Package
per year for one station
Protection component for stationary computers, laptops and servers
Full package
per year
Adding e-mail protection to the basic package
Mobile Phones Protection Package
per year for one station
Supplemental protection of mobile phones
Combined Package
per year for one station

Protection component for desktop/laptop computers and servers

Contact us